Sunday, November 16, 2014

My fabric choices for the mystery

I decided on these fabrics from one thousand boldts fabrics because they have great prices and great quality. They are very close to those used in the Team Carson Theme. I love them.

I love the blue green fabric and the red. We'll see how it turns out...2 more months to wait.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I have gotten most of my fabrics recently from Thousands of bolts...great service, good quality and great price. I have 2 more fabrics to get and found them at Joann's yesterday. I will follow the same color scheme, but more reasonably priced fabrics. This will start at the first of the year..just as I am ending another mystery if I keep up.
We will be traveling to Arizona February around the may need to bring sewing machine..or wait until we return home in April to catch up. We'll see on my progress. Would like to limit sewing stuff first time down to hand sewing  which I have plenty to choose from and maybe bring a quilt to hand quilt.