Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 6-Campanion

So here is the continuing story from Ebony....

Mimosas for Everyone...

The feast you see before you is almost too fantastic to eat! There are so many fabulous meats, savory dishes, desserts and puddings (oh, the puddings!) that you stuff yourself within minutes. Oh, the chefs of the abbey are fi ne indeed.

“What are you doing here, at my house?” you inquire between bites.
“Julian thought it would be a good idea for us to feed you after your long journey,” they explain. “And what better place to serve you dinner than in your own house?”
There’s no arguing with that kind of logic, it seems. Now where is that pudding?
You locate the pudding on a table in the parlor. You serve yourself a heaping helping and drop into a chair. After only a couple of bites though, you yawn a great yawn, stretch, and decide a nap is in order. Because when one sits in a cozy chair by a fire after a huge meal, one must nap.
You wake up the next morning – sti from your nap in the chair – to find the sun streaming in through the windows of the parlor. You must have been more tired than you thought. Someone at least thought to throw a quilt over you.
You hear the murmur of voices coming from another part of the house, so you go to seek them out. Oddly enough, you are startled to find someone you never expected to see in your dining room, serving up, of all things, mimosas.
So who is serving me....
My preferance is Rose, but I love the Rosamund block some am doing the medley this week. Here are some pictures....

Just after cutting.

Block layout

My favorite block..Plucky Rose


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